Monday, June 29, 2009

Types of Blood

BLOODBOOK.COM - Blood Information for Life!

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Blood types were first called for shortly after Blood transfusions were first attempted around 1600 by transfusing animal Blood into humans. It proved disastrous. In the early 1800s an English obstetrician, James Blundell, came up with the idea of human Blood for human beings. Not until the 1900s were the basic four Blood types identified by Karl Landsteiner. Subsequently, the success of Blood transfusion significantly increased when patients were transfused with their same type. Now, research has shown that transfusion with the exact type is even better. When Blood testing for Blood type for Cord Blood banking or Cord Blood Bank and and Cord Blood Registry, Blood type is of primary importance. Free Blood tests, FREE DNA testing Facts about Blood Types with charts about Blood Types and Blood type information.

In most areas, you can get a free Blood typing/Blood type test and information and the results, get your Blood type at the Bloodmobile for free Blood typing. Blood test results are important in Blood disorders in Blood tests and a Blood test with Rare Blood types. Free Blood tests. Free Blood testing.

Humans can, by present day standards and practices, receive Blood that may not be their precise same Blood type. Find your Blood type on the chart below to discover which other Blood types present standards permit you to receive. Discount coupons for Blood tests, blood tests rare blood types.

Of Special Interest on!
Of Special Interest on!Of Special Interest on!
One important note: in the past, type O Blood was given to virtually anyone except those with what was termed 'rare' Blood. Donors of Blood group O were always referred to as 'universal donors.' Today, because of new research and a better understanding of the complex issues regarding immune reaction related to incompatible donor Blood cells, type O Blood is no longer automatically seen as being suitable in most every case.
- Mayo Clinic HealthOasis - Ask a Physician 08/09/2000 [full text available HERE]
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Following are some charts to help explain Blood types. The charts represent the general population of the United States. Racial and ethnic backgrounds will differ. Free Blood type Diet coupons.

What Blood Type Can Donate Blood to Me?**

O -**O +B -B +A -A +AB -AB


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AB -
A +
A -
B +
B -
O +
O -

NOTE: Distribution is different for every racial and ethnic population group.

** NOTE: Recent Blood research indicates that where, at one time, a person with type O negative Blood was considered to be a 'universal donor,' this may no longer be correct, because of a better understanding of the complex issues of immune reactions related to incompatible donor Blood cells.

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Pharmacy shelves are stocked with do-it-yourself home tests for Blood glucose, Blood cholesterol paternity tests and pregnancy tests. OraSure Technologies Inc., makes and sells a 20-minute, at-home test that screens for two HIV strains using a swab device that tests saliva, awaiting the FDA.

Link - Blood Types and Compatibility Chart Link -

Of Special Interest on!
Of Special Interest on!Of Special Interest on!
There are some good reasons for a husband to not donate Blood to his wife during herchildbearing years. During this time, a women who plans to become pregnant, receiving Blood from her husband may pose a small risk to the infants born of these pregnancies. If, after the Blood transfusion the woman develops an antibody to an antigen on the father's red Blood cells, and the subsequently born fetus inherits the father's red cell antigen, the antibody from the mother may enter the Bloodstream of the fetus causing destruction of fetal red Blood cells. This may cause serious anemia in the fetus and excessive jaundice in the infant after birth. This is a known major cause of brain damage. Special Blood transfusions, using selected red Blood cells that do not have the particular in-compatible and offending antigen, are available when this condition is pre-diagnosed. Of course, we suggest autologous Blood donation for the mother. However, for those mothers who are unable to make an autologous donation, the decision to select her husband as a donor should always take this risk under consideration, and specific consultation with your pediatrician on this subject is essential. Blood test results are important in Blood disorders in Blood tests and a Blood test with Rare Blood types.
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Facts about Blood Types with charts about Blood Types and Blood type information


Who Has Which Blood Type?




O +1 person in 338.4%
O -1 person in 157.7%
A +1 person in 332.3%
A -1 person in 166.5%
B +1 person in 129.4%
B -1 person in 671.7%
AB +1 person in 293.2%
AB -1 person in 1670.7%

Who Donates Blood in the United States?

Median Age

38 years old
Male 53% of Red Cross donors
Female 47% of Red Cross donors
Repeat donors 79.3% of Red Cross donors
First-time donors 20.7% of Red Cross donors

The Theory of Evolution

Oh, yes..... one more thing on the subject of evolution. Many published studies over recent years have shown that chimpanzees mostly have Blood type A, almost no Blood type O, but never Blood type B. The other great ape, the gorilla has Blood type B, almost no Blood type O, but never Blood type A. In these 'man-apes' species, said to be the ancestors of man, there is NO Blood type AB in either. Generally speaking, man has both Blood types A and B, and Blood type AB. Blood type O, in man is by far the most common in virtually every racial group. Links -! See Chart HERE.

In Blood banks in the United States, the most common types of Blood cause the greatest concern. Many people with O+ and A+ do not donate. The rationale seems to be that potential donors believe that because they are of a common Blood type that their Blood is not needed. What they fail to think about is, YES, they are of common type, but most Blood users are also of common type; consequently O+ and A+ are used more than twice as much as any other donor types!

The Blood That You Inherited

Link - Blood Type Inheritance Chart and
ABO Blood Types and Parentage Calculator
Link -

People with Blood type AB negative (1/2% of the population) and AB positive are potential universal plasma donors. This means plasma can be transfused to people having all Blood types.

AB +
People with Blood type AB positive comprise 3-1/2% of the population. People with this type of Blood are universal recipients. This means that they can be transfused with any type of Blood in emergency situations.
Facts about Blood Types with charts about Blood Types and Blood type information

O +
O positive donors are needed more frequently than any other donor. Because O positive is the most common Blood type (39% of the population), it is needed more often by people requiring Blood in hospitals.
Facts about Blood Types with charts about Blood Types and Blood type information

O -
7% of the population has O negative Blood. People with O negative donors are potential universal red Blood cell donors. This means that their red Blood cells can be transfused to patients with all types of Blood.
Facts about Blood Types with charts about Blood Types and Blood type information

Simply put, your Blood is tested for ABO/Rh. These tests identify your 'Blood type.' You may have A, B, O, or AB type Blood and may be either Rh+ or Rh-. The basis of the Blood group tests is the ability to detect specific substances, or antigens, on the red Blood cells. The A antigen is on type A cells; the B antigen is on type B cells. If neither A nor B antigens are detected, the donor has type O Blood; if both are present, the donor has type AB Blood. If the major Rh antigen is present, the donor is Rh+ (for example, O+, A+, B+, or AB+); if not, the donor is Rh- (O-, A-, B-, or AB-).

There are more than 600 other antigens that have now been identified on red Blood cells. These sub-types are important, but often not considered.

In short, What are Blood Types?
Everybody has a Blood type. The most common Blood type classification system is the ABO system discovered and defined by Karl Landsteiner in the early 1900s. There are four types of Blood in the ABO system: A, B, AB, and O. Your Blood type is established before you are born, by specific genes inherited from your parents. You receive one gene from your mother and one gene from your father; these two combine to establish your Blood type. These two inherited genes determine your Blood type by making proteins called agglutinogens exist on the surface of each red Blood cell in your body.
Blood test results are important in Blood disorders in Blood test and Blood tests with Rare Blood types.

There are three alleles (variations) of the Blood type gene: A, B, and O. Since we all have two copies of these genes in our Blood, there are six possible combinations; AA, BB, OO, AB, AO, and BO. These combinations are referred to as genotypes, and they describe the genes you got from your parents.

In addition to the proteins existing on your red Blood cells, other genes make proteins called agglutinins that circulate in your Blood plasma. Agglutinins are protectors of our bodies and are responsible for ensuring that only the Blood cells of our own particular Blood type exist in our bodies.

Physicians rely on "Blood-work," or clinical laboratory diagnostic Blood testing to diagnose medical conditions. From this Blood testing the medical professional then prescribes therapies and remedies, based on those Blood tests. Good Blood tests make possible state-of-the-art lab procedures that can be provided directly to the public in private and these Blood tests can be provided affordably.

Some of the most common Blood tests are:

Allergy Blood Testing
Blood Tests for Autoimmune Diseases
Blood Diseases Testing
Cancer Detection Blood Testing
Blood Cholesterol Test
Diabetes Blood Tests
DNA, Paternity and Genetic Testing
Blood Tests for Drug Screening
Environmental Toxin Blood Testing
Fitness, Nutrition and Anti-Aging
Gastrointestinal Diseases Revealed by Blood Tests
Blood Testing for Heart Health
Hormones and Metabolism
Infectious Disease Blood Tests
Kidney Disease Blood Test
Liver Diseases Blood Testing
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) Blood Tests
Thyroid Disease Blood Tests

Let us make blood relation with the nation

Amazing Stories


In 1997 Shamim was diagnosed with leukaemia. She needed large amounts of blood before receiving a life-saving bone marrow transplant, donated by her brother. Shamim is now well and enjoying family life.


8 year-old Cameron Small, from Grimsargh, needs transfusions as part of his treatment for Evans Syndrome, a rare blood disorder. He was amongst a group of young patients from the North West who launched the campaign to sign up cricket fans as donors alongside top Lancashire players.

Cameron's dad Andrew Small accompanied him to the event along with mum Diane Singleton. He said, "Cameron had a great day, but more importantly we helped raise awareness of just how important blood is. My son will continue to need blood so we are very grateful to anyone who takes the time to donate."


Brett needed emergency surgery after suffering a burst blood vessel in his throat. During the operation he received 12 life-saving units of blood. Brett is now fully recovered and living life to the full, thanks to blood donors.

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Just before his 6th birthday, Jack was diagnosed with leukaemia. He had to have chemotherapy. But to survive the treatment he needed frequent blood and platelet transfusions. Jack is now fully recovered and enjoying his favourite hobby, karate, where he now has his second belt.