Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Side-effects of blood donation

I tottered all the way to the blood donation center and almost managed to persuade myself to make it another day, but then I pushed the door open and I was in. No turning back. I filled out the forms, almost subconsiously ticking 'no' for everything, because the first question was 'did you have male to male sex' and of course it was no so when it came to the 'are you feeling well and healthy' I almost ticked no, too. XD

So then the standard procedure is to have your weight and blood pressure taken, and your finger pricked so your blood can be tested (for iron levels or something?). The first thing the woman said when she took my hand: "You're freezing cold!"

And being the retarded person I am: "I am?"

No, honestly, I wasn't feeling very cold at all once I'd gotten inside the building. From past blood donation experience, I was bracing myself for the sharp prick of the needle that I completely hate - but surprisingly it didn't hurt at all, really. Guess I was number than I thought...

I bled all over the form I was signing. XD Bad idea to have the middle finger on my right hand pricked.

The actual donation involving the scary big-ass needle was less painful than remembered, too. I must've had a bad expression on my face, because two different people asked me, twice, whether I was feeling all right. XDD Sorry, I was just nervous as heck. I was squeezing the thing they gave us (to improve blood flow) so hard I left permanent little indents.

Anyway, all was cheery and well and I got a bottle of free orange fizzy drink.

And THEN the 'side effect' showed up in the afternoon. I knew I wasn't supposed to do anything to exert myself, but I didn't, but I was waiting outside mum's office when I first felt that my bag was suddenly getting unreasonably heavy. I unshouldered my bag and propped it againt my leg. There. That should feel better.

It didn't. It felt as if I still had a heavy weight on my shoulders. I shrugged a little, brushing it off as fatigue. Sometimes, my bag really does get very heavy.

Then I felt very tired, and I promptly closed the book I was reading. After all, I'd been standing there reading for almost 15 minutes...maybe I'd improve if I looked around a bit, took a walk or something.

Dropped the book in my bag, and immediately a ringing sound started in my ears. I felt dizzy, so I bent and fished out the remains of the orange juice, hoping it was just a lack of sugar/insulin in my blood. As I remained crouched on the pavement (I adamantly refuse to sit and ruin my coat) the ringing started getting louder and louder. At that most embarrassing point, my mother came out of the office.

When I saw her I tried to get up, but then the ringing just grew deafening and I couldn't hear anything but the weird ringing sound. Then to my alarm, things started getting blurry, and then it went black altogether. I just couldn't see anything, or hear anything. Then my mum started whacking my chest, and I kept trying to tell her, "C'mon, mum, stop it, I'm fine." but apparently she couldn't hear me. XD She made me drink water out of my water bottle and had me remain crouching (I still refused to sit completely) and after maybe 3 minutes my vision started coming back. My mum was so concerned she cancelled the trip to Medibank. n__________n''

To be honest, I wasn't scared. Much. I was more like....WHAT THE HECK I DON'T WANT MY MUM TO SEE THIS!! Geez. Why can't I have the panic attack before she came down? *grumbles* And then she started saying that I should eat something, but I wasn't really feeling the stomach for it. In the end we just hopped on the car and drove home. I sat outside the food court (on a respectable chair) to wait while she fetched the car. XD

Hmmmm. I'd better eat more the next time I head off for a blood donation. I thought having pasta instead of bread in the morning would be better, but maybe not?

So anyway. I'm spacing out my last donation for the year so it'll give my blood some time to replenish...I hope...

In happier news, I was digging through my stuff last night looking for Kim's address when I found a box of old letters from friends! :DDD I was delighted! I spent last night rereading them, and I cried a little when I thought of all the friends I miss. And then I unearthed the three or four love letters (the only ones I ever received) and reading them, frankly, it makes me wonder what sort of reply I have him, to get something so mushy in return. XD Actually, I think I sounded clingy because he was assuring he wasn't flirting. XD How bad of me.

And of course there were tons of letters from when I used to write heaps to a friend. We used to write lots, like, a few every month (since she lives in the next town 6 hours away) so the letters get by rather quickly. So many of them...and the birthday cards I've kept, the earliest from 1997 from my aunts and uncles. XDD How nice. Just last week I was wishing I could find certain letters, and then I found them, plus a treasure of others! XD I love letters, I really do. Oh, and the good news is, awin, I found some pretty envelopes from when I used them to send letters to Kim who was sitting a few rows away from me! XD We used to decorate them with 'Kenshin' (her choice) and Athrun (my choice). :P Yes, I found some pretty envelopes!!

...Now, where are my pretty papers...?

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